Sedation Dentistry
Dental procedures are often met with anxiety and fear. Many people do not see a dentist on a regular basis because they are scared. But our Anxiety Free Dentistry gives every patient an easy way to relax and enjoy the dental experience.
Oral Sedation can help people that:
- Suffer from major fear or anxiety
- Have difficulty becoming numb for general anesthetic
- Have a bad gag reflex or highly sensitive teeth
- Have a phobia of needles
- Have difficult dental problems or, have limited time for treatment
Oral Sedation(Conscious)
The dentist can give you a small pill to take before dental procedures are performed. This type of sedation can be more effective than other forms. The pill will help you fall into a deep relaxation. You will be awake buy very sleepy; an hour might feel like minutes. Your recollection of the experience will be very little!
Contact our office today and find out if you are a good candidate for our Sedation Dentistry!